Jilya in The Media
Read about our successes, our donors, sponsors, upcoming and past events, and Jilya making news headlines for all the right reasons…
General Jilya News
Improving access to culturally informed Indigenous mental health care
Improving access to culturally informed Indigenous mental health careAdvancements in Indigenous mental health and suicide prevention for Indigenous Australia are set to transpire with The Westerman Jilya Institute for Indigenous Mental Health (Jilya) being awarded...
WORDS OF WISDOM: Why do kids RIOT when they are in trauma?
By: Dr Tracy Westerman, AM, MPsych, PhD Last week I spoke to Nadia Mitsopoulos on ABC Radio Perth and discuss why children are rioting again at the Banksia Hill detention centre and the failure to invest in prevention programs. If you'd like to listen to the interview...
The Grant Family – Jilya Seed Funders
7 June 2022 We are so grateful for the support of so many individuals and organisations who believe in what we set out to do. Every dollar donated, every post 'Share', every minute of volunteer or pro-bono services - it all counts, and it all goes a long way to help...
OPINION: Fixing the broken system of Indigenous child removal
22 March 2022 Brilliant to have Dr Westermans Opinion Piece on Child Protection featured on SBS online. It’s been getting a big response. PLEASE SHARE WIDELY! Her favourite line? “Bravery, to me, has always been the most important virtue because it enables all the...
OPINION: Indigenous Child Removal: Fixing a Broken System
19 March 2022 A powerful opinion piece by Dr Tracy Westerman on Child Protection Fixes. Full article here.
Jilya Appoints New COO
20 December 2021 Jilya is excited to announce the appointment of their first Chief Operating Officer, Mr Stuart MacLeod who will commence with Jilya on 20th December, 2021. As our first COO, Stuart brings with him a wealth of experience in the not-for-profit sector....