Mikhayla Vea Vea
I am a passionate Koinjamal woman at the end of my third year in a Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Griffith University Gold Coast. Alongside my studies, I also work for Griffith in a few roles. I tutor other Indigenous Psych students and I also work for Griffiths Outreach Program as an Indigenous and Pasifika mentor where I work with Indigenous and Pasifika people in high school and help build their aspirations for life after high school.
Unlike most people who end up in higher education, I did not complete my high schooling. I left school in year 11 due to various mental health issues and an unhealthy home life, such as substance and emotional/verbal abuse. I have seen alcohol and suicide plague the lives of those who I care most about, this and my own mental health struggles are this the reasons I decided to study psychology.
My goal once completing my bachelor is to hopefully go onto study medicine and then eventually psychiatry. Growing up I have seen many in my family and community need psychiatric help but due to barriers such as cost, accessibility, and culture they have not received the help they need. I want to be that change and be able to provide Indigenous people within my community affordable and accessible mental health care.