Kiera-Lee Carroll
I am a proud Walman Yawuru and Goolarabooloo woman. My tribe originates from country just outside of Broome, Western Australia.
The Dr Tracy Westerman’s Aboriginal Psychology Scholarship Program, offers both support and inspiration to Aboriginal psychology students. Our people call out for access to mental health professionals that understand what it is like growing up Aboriginal in contemporary Australia. This scholarship helps students to imagine a new way of supporting Aboriginal people, by building an army of individuals dedicated to our people, our culture and our future.
Upon graduation and registration I would like to work as a Forensic Psychologist. I currently work in education for the justice department. My time in the prison system has shown me how many of our young Aboriginal people are hopeful for a better life for themselves and their children. I am confident in my ability to achieve my goals and I know that I also have a responsibility to uplift my community and our future generations.